Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friehling & Horowitz, CPA's

It wasn't easy, but I obtained a copy of the auditor's report for Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities (see the December 20th post about SEC form X-17A-5). The form was filed just about a year ago by Friehling and Horowitz, Madoff's accounting firm in New York. Its 16-pages makes for a dense but interesting read.

I'm particularly fond of the section that says:

An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement...

I wonder what tests Friehling and Horowitz actually performed. What evidence was collected? Hopefully, they aren't secret.

If anyone wants a full copy of the document, just drop me a note.


  1. hi....I'm a journalist in the UK doing some work on Madoff and came across your excellent blog. I would really like a copy of this report, so could you email it to me please? And if possible a link to the SEC returns you talk about in the other post. I'd be really grateful.
    My email is terrykirby@hotmail.co.uk

  2. As reported, this audit firm is a only three staffing company and now AICPA is started a preliminary ethics investigation to it.
    As an audit firm, he should keep the record of the audit evidence according to the law. I guess it is just a problem of time before their breach of duty also got well-known.
    And could you give me a copy of the report? My email address is pkujijie@gmail.com.

  3. Good afternoon David,

    I work with a small wealth management firm in the southern U.S. and this Madoff case has become very interesting. Tomorrow (Tuesday) a couple of CPAs and me are going to lunch and I would much appreciate it if you could send me the report. My email is SouthernGemini@lycos.com. Thanks in advance.
    Andrew Valentine Pool

  4. Dear David,

    This is Daniele Pinto, I am a journalist with Columbia Graduate School of Jounralism. You're doing an excellent job with your blog. Like Terry Kirby, I am also working on this story and it would be great if I could have a copy this report as well as a copy or a link to the SEC returns you talk about in the other post.

    My email is dp2421[at]columbia.edu

    Thank you,

  5. David,

    I am an accounting student writing a paper on Madoff and would greatly appreciate a copy of this report. My email is lirpa601@yahoo.com. Thank you.


  6. David,

    I am an accounting student of University of Auckland and currently writing a report on Madoff case. It could be great if you can send me a copy of the report to alphaleung@hotmail.com. Thank you


  7. Hey- I am writing a paper on the Madoff scandal for my Business Ethics course at Simon Fraser University. My email is: msg5@sfu.ca
    If possible please send me a copy.

  8. David,

    If you're still around, can you please send me a copy of the Madoff financials? I've seen the statements of financial condition but not the p&l and cash flow statements.



  9. Dear David,

    This is Paul Eisenberg, I am Assistant Tax Adviser in Germany and I am very interested in the story of the Madoff's accountants. It would be great if I could send me a copy of this report. My email is: eisencdu@gmx.de

    Thank you very much!
